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Neue Fallstudie - Onkologiestation, Southampton General Hospital

The University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust urgently needed to replace the outdated C3 Oncology ward, where pre-Covid, cancer care was delivered to approximately 10,000 people per year.

Built in only 6 months as part of a £9m government grant, a brand new and considerably bigger facility now offers a range of services for oncology and outpatients, and serves as a one-stop-shop for consultant appointments, blood tests, PICC line fittings and chemotherapy treatment.

Vistamatic provided 12 Vista Max large observation panels and 5 Vista Max XL door vision panels to the project. The panels were a mix of FD30 and non-fire rated, with lever handles on both sides

Read the full Case Study here – Oncology Ward, Southampton General Hospital

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Vom Team Vistamatic zum Team UK!

Vistamatic Marketing Managerin Erika Poole gehörte am vergangenen Wochenende zu einem weiteren beeindruckenden Team, als sie das Vereinigte Königreich bei den OCR-Europameisterschaften in Val

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