De l'équipe Vistamatic à l'équipe UK !

Vistamatic Erika Poole, responsable marketing, a fait partie d'une autre équipe impressionnante le week-end dernier, puisqu'elle a représenté l'équipe britannique aux championnats européens d'OCR à Val di Fiemme, en Italie. L'OCR (Obstacle Course Racing) est une combinaison de course de fond, d'obstacles suspendus comme des barres de singe et des prises mixtes, de portages lourds (pierres d'atlas, sacs de sable, etc.), de [...]

Nouvelle étude de cas - Centre d'excellence en imagerie, Université de Glasgow

A £16m funding package was granted to build the state-of-the-art Imaging Centre for Excellence (ICE) at the University of Glasgow. The ground-breaking new centre provides world-leading clinical research facilities and a hub for academic, scientific and NHS clinical expertise into brain imaging in diseases such as stroke, dementia and brain tumours. With aims to become […]

Vistamatic est de retour à Coventry pour DIMH 2022.

Le plus grand rassemblement de ce type au Royaume-Uni, DIMH 2022, le salon du design en santé mentale, réunit des experts de tous les aspects des soins de santé mentale - cliniciens, équipes de gestion des biens et des installations, architectes et fabricants - afin de discuter, d'explorer des idées et de découvrir de nouvelles possibilités. Vistamatic soutient depuis longtemps l'événement, ayant [...].

Nouvelle étude de cas - Hôpital Sancta Maria, Swansea

After adapting its premises in Uplands over the last several decades, the Healthcare Management Trust decided that a new purpose-built facility was required to continue to offer the highest standards of healthcare in Swansea. Taking two years to complete, the new £25m  Sancta Maria hospital offers a range of improved facilities including on-site diagnostic equipment […]

Vistamatic and Between Glass Blinds Take 4.5 Million Steps for Charity

Throughout February, our sister companies Vistamatic and BetweenGlassBlinds took on a challenge – to walk as many steps as possible and raise money for charity. Armed with pedometers, smart watches and phones, the twenty-strong team ran, walked, cycled, skied, rock climbed and karate kicked their way to 4.5 million steps.  The team really got into […]

New Case Study – Oncology Ward, Southampton General Hospital

The University Hospital Southampton NHS Trust urgently needed to replace the outdated C3 Oncology ward, where pre-Covid, cancer care was delivered to approximately 10,000 people per year. Built in only 6 months as part of a £9m government grant, a brand new and considerably bigger facility now offers a range of services for oncology and […]

Vistamatic and Between Glass Blinds Undertake Charity Step Challenge

Our sister companies Vistamatic and BetweenGlassBlinds have joined forces in a step challenge to test ourselves and raise money for an amazing local charity, Haven House Children’s Hospice.  Over the course of February 2022, each team member will strive to walk over 10,000 steps daily, helping our group to a total of 6 million strides. […]

New Case Study – Pine House Rehabilitation Unit

Vistamatic is pleased to have been a part of the redevelopment build of a new 20 bed care home in a highly prominent area of Bacup, Lancashire. The Pine House project’s focus was to create a modern, state-of-the-art care home for men with complex mental health needs due to mental illness or acquired brain injury. […]

New Case Study – Broadford Hospital and Badenoch & Sprathspey Community Hospital

Vistamatic is proud to have been a part of a £40 million development build by hub North Scotland on behalf of NHS Highland.  The Broadford and Badenoch & Sprathspey Community Hospitals hospitals will serve the Isle of Skye, Lochalsh and Southwest Ross, as well as Aviemore and the surrounding area. Vistamatic provided 53 privacy vision […]

Journée du pull de Noël 2021

L'équipe de Vistamatic/BGB était dans l'esprit des fêtes vendredi pour soutenir le Christmas Jumper Day 2021 de Save The Children ! Tout le monde était d'humeur festive et heureux de collecter des fonds pour un programme aussi formidable que Save The Children. Si vous souhaitez rejoindre l'équipe et faire un don à un grand [...]

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